Nordicstation has been ISO 14001 certified since 2014

Since the spring of 2022, Filippa Sjöstrand has been our Environmental and Sustainability Manager at Nordicstation. Her strengths in processes and structure have had a significant impact on how we operate within the framework of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. Filippa is doing exceptional and vital work, and she shares:


"This is a highly significant matter. I thrive in creating order and conducting proactive work through the Environmental Management System, ensuring that Nordicstation consistently complies with and enhances the system while gradually reducing our negative environmental footprint and simultaneously increasing our positive impact."


Nordicstation has been ISO 14001 certified since 2014. Apart from boosting employee pride and helping us systematically focus on environmental sustainability, we also hope to inspire other companies to prioritize their related efforts. Filippa believes:


"Even though we are not a heavy industry, there are numerous steps we can take. For instance, we can ensure our suppliers meet our requirements for their environmental and sustainability efforts, explore the best ways to offset carbon emissions from air travel, review our office and server room electricity consumption, our handling of electronic waste, and much more."


Nordicstation also hosts regular events related to sustainability, such as those concerning gender equality and health. Together, we are achieving our established goals, and our product GIVO serves as an outstanding example of how we can simultaneously develop Nordicstation and, perhaps even more importantly, contribute to a better world from a technical perspective.